Friday 9 October 2009

Do you remember everything?

You should go to the pbwiki and watch the video again.


  1. Hellooooooo!!!!!!!!1, I am Noelia of 6th A, I do not remember everything but there are things I can remember; I like the picture is very-very cocky. Bye-Bye see you th nex day.

  2. Thanks for your comment. If you can´t remember, you can follow the link above and watch the video and the presentations. Also you can go to the "info" to have a look at the English Wikipedia. That could help.
    Have a nice weekend!!!!!

  3. Hi!I am david of 6ºa Ican remeber some things but the picture is very ¡ugly! Good-Bye see you tomorrow

  4. Hello!!!!!I am Angela 6 A, I remember everything, the picture is fine, and is very old. bye-bye.

  5. Hello!!!!! m Maria6ºA, I do not remenber everything ; I like picture is very , very beutiful.The food traditional the thanksgiving is turkey,
    Bey , Bey .


  6. hello where is the pilgrims island? and who a say year travel GONZALO RODRIGUEZ 6

  7. I like picture is very beautiful

  8. Andres Angel 6º

    1. When is Thanksgiving´s Day celebrated?
    To celebrete 4th of november.

    2. What have we learned about Thanksgiving?
    The person travel for the religion.

    3. Why is Thanksgiving still celebrated?
    Remember the pilgrims anda merican native.

    4. What foods are eaten on Thanlsgiving´s Day?
    aplle pie,mashed potatoes
